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We hope to have weekly additions to help us teach as the Savior taught.


Children Can Feel the Spirit


Children can feel the spirit but may need help recognizing His influence. Even children who have not received the gift of the Holy Ghost can feel His influence, especially when they are learning about Jesus Christ and His gospel. When they make righteous choices, they can feel the Savior’s approval through the Spirit. Teach children about the different ways the Spirit communicates with us. Help them recognize His voice as He speaks to them. This will help them develop a habit of seeking and acting on personal revelation throughout their lives.                      Teaching in the Savior’s Wayp 32

February 12, 2023

Primary Teachers Council                                        


I. Calling to Teach Children—Overview:

  1. Teaching by the Spirit: 2 Nephi 33:1

  2. Never underestimate a child’s ability to understand the gospel. (Luke 18:17)

  3. Parents have the main responsibility to teach their children.

  • You are to support, encourage and build upon home gospel learning.

  • Conference and coordinate with parents of each student.


II. Pattern of Teaching:

A.  General outline of each Come, Follow MeFor Primary lesson:

  1. Invite Sharing: Home experiences; what they learned during the past week

  2. Teach the Doctrine: One principle. Individualized to your students. Help      the children feel the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus, and recognize the influence of the Holy Ghost. Repetition is good—repeat that which works.  

  3. Encourage learning at home: Students share with family their class experience. Come, Follow MeFor Primary will provide activities for many of the scriptures and stories the children are invited to study at home during the week.


B.  Use a Variety of Teaching Methods: 

  • Stores

  • Visual aids

  • Music/Video/Audio recordings ( music to teach doctrine. Help children learn Primary Songs and Hymns/215.

  • Give children opportunities to express their creativity (draw. color, write, act)

  • Most children learn best when multiple senses are involved (sight, hearing, touch)

  • Encourage children to ask questions

  • Invite children to share what they know

  • Address disruption with love (Teaching in The Saviors Way, pp. 32)

Note: Teaching Strategies for Children with Disabilities (


III. Resources: All available at

  1. Hymns and Children’s Songbook

  2. Behold Your Little Ones: Nursery Manual offers multiple examples of specific classroom challenges and how to address them.

  3. New Testament Stories:  Videos of these stories in the Gospel Library app and at

  4. Scripture Stories Coloring Book—New Testament

  5. Videos and Art—Gospel Art Book

  6. True to the Faith—Gospel Topics: brief definitions

  7. Meeting the Needs of Younger Children (Come, Follow me—For Primary)

  8. The Friend magazine has creative activities for children 

  9. Teaching in the Saviors Way and ward Teacher Council meetings

IV. Discussion Questions to Ponder:


  1. What have you found works to invite the spirit into your lesson?

  2. How do you individualize to each child while keeping the whole class engaged?

  3. What has been your experience using different teaching methods/tools (music, videos, students drawing, etc?)

  4. What is your greatest challenge in teaching your class?

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