The Good Shepherd, by Del Parson
We can make a profound difference by ministering with loyalty.
Ministering with Loyalty
Be dependable: Follow through on commitments and be supportive when those you minister to need encouragement.
Listen actively: By really listening, understanding, and being present for the people you minister to, you can build stronger connections and show that you care about their well-being.
Keep confidences: A loyal friend keeps confidences when ministering—and at all times. (In special cases, such as abuse situations, ask for permission and then help them seek the right assistance.)
Show love and compassion: When you truly care about those you minister to, they will feel valued and appreciated, creating a relationship where loyalty can flourish.
Serve: When we serve each other with love, we demonstrate our loyalty to the Savior and our willingness to feed His sheep (see John 21:15–17).